Jakarta - The shocking news came from the movie business in Indonesia. The world's largest film industry, Hollywood decided to stop distributing their film production in Indonesia.
This means there will be no foreign films screened in cinemas Indonesia. That said spokesman Masardi 21 Cineplex Noorca when talking with detikhot via cell phone on Friday (18/02/2011) night.
According to their action Noorca policy backed government of Indonesia through the Directorate General of Customs who impose the burden of import duty on imported film distribution rights. This means that the government add on the costs of foreign films that want to enter Indonesia.
"Their actions against the new policy of the Directorate General of Customs which imposes duty on imported film distribution rights. Because they think it is that something unusual and not ever in any film industry in the world," said Noorca.
Noorca explains in simple, there are three provisions of the previous foreign film producers who wanted to show his film at the cinema of Indonesia.
First, they have to pay import duties of goods in the form of a copy of the film ribbon to Indonesia. Tax form of income tax and VAT amounting to 23.75 percent of the value of the goods.
"After showing in theaters, they have to pay income tax (income tax) from the profits of exploitation movies that played them in Indonesia," he continued.
Third, there is also a film producer tax burden spectacle of the City or County. The amount of 10 to 15 percent of ticket sales profits.
"That's fair. Now that is not fair is that the government imposes new taxes in the form of import duty on distribution rights that are the same size, 23.75 percent of the value of goods. This does not exist in any country," he explained.
Thus, during the Director General of Customs still impose such taxes, Hollywood will not distribute the film production in Indonesia. "It will last forever, as long as the Director General of Taxation is not soft," said Noorca.
Hollywood decision no longer send his film production began on Thursday (02/17/2011) yesterday. While the movie is already playing, will be withdrawn from circulation. (Ebi / ebi)
source: detikhot
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